6 Tips to Get Your Heater Ready for Winter in Georgia
The chill of winter is on its way! Is your heater ready for the season? It’s best to check your unit now, before it gets too cold. Follow these tips on what to look for with your heater before the winter weather hits, so you’re not left freezing on the first chilly day.
1. Replace Filter
Put a recurring note in your calendar to change your air filter every season. These filters collect dirt and debris so it doesn’t cycle through your HVAC unit and get released into the air you breathe. However, when it gets full, it can’t work as well. These filters are fairly inexpensive and can be found at hardware and home improvement stores, as well as some supermarkets.
2. Prep Vents
Take a quick walk through your home to check on all the vents and registers you have. Make sure all of them are dusted off and free from debris. Also check that nothing is stuck inside the vents, preventing air flow, and that they are open as far as they can be. This will help your home to heat quickly and efficiently so you can stay comfortable.
3. Remove Obstructions
Before you turn on your heater for the season, check that nothing is in the way of your unit. Boxes, furniture, and storage containers are commonly found near the heating element, but they can cause a fire if they’re too close. If you have any of these items, relocate them to give the unit room to breathe.
4. Cover Condenser
If your HVAC system includes an exterior air conditioning unit, you’ll want to invest in a cover for it. You can find these at many home improvements stores, or you can make your own by wrapping a tarp around the unit and securing it with bungee cords. Keeping this covered throughout winter helps to prevent ice from melting and collecting inside, as well as damage from hail, tree branches, and anything else Mother Nature has in store this winter.
5. Turn Up Thermostat
Give your thermostat a test run before it gets too cold outside. Change it to “heat” mode and wait a minute. You should hear the unit click on and start to feel warm air coming from your vents. You may wish to keep it on for a few minutes to ensure it’s working properly. If not, it’s time to call your local HVAC company in Griffin, GA.
Call AComfort for a Heating Check-Up!
Fuel costs to heat your home this winter are expected to increase by 54% over last year. An inefficient system can cause a major drain on your utilities budget. If you’ve run through these tips and suspect you need to repair or replace your heating unit, upgrading now is a good way to avoid the price increases for heating fuel. Give AComfort a call and we can recommend a newer system that will keep you (and your wallet!) comfortable all year long.